Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The smell of oranges

I like the smell of oranges.  Like say a citrusy smell in the air or the smell of an orange itself.  However I don't particularly enjoy the smell and feel on my fingers after peeling and eating an orange.  I wash my hands but it's futile; the smell persists.  

When I mentioned this to someone they asked why I even smell my fingers at all!?  Well, actually I don't know why.  I think it might be to see if the smell has come off so I won't feel like I'm tainting everything that I touch.  If I type on my computer now it has an orange smelling residue.

Now I wasn't sure if I was alone in feeling this way.  I actually had direct evidence that some people not only don't mind but also enjoy it!  Recently when I was at a student leadership conference the closing speaker was Neil Pasricha, author and known for his website http://1000awesomethings.com/.  He had a little part in his speech where he asked everyone to write down something they thought was awesome and then exchange the note with someone else.  I wrote down something like "sleeping until you wake up naturally with no alarm clock".  (Unfortunately the conference had been on Saturday at 8am and I had stayed out a bit too late Friday night...)  Anyways, to my surprise, the girl that I exchanged with had written "the smell on my fingers after peeling an orange"!  To each their own I suppose.

There was one minor success however, so that I didn't feel too alone.  I discovered a Facebook group entitled "When I eat an orange, my fingers smell like it forever.  I hate it".  I feel a bit better knowing that 30 other people agree with me.

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