Monday, December 31, 2012


Apparently I have long eyelashes.  I've been told that by a few people.  All women interestingly enough, probably because they spend much more time on them than men and would notice that sort of thing.  I had actually never noticed this or thought about it until I had heard this a couple times.  From my own everyday observations it seems like eyelashes always stay at a set length and I don't notice them grow.  Obviously they do grow, so I was curious about the differences between eyelashes and other hair.

Apparently eyelashes are very sensitive and are used for protecting the eye from debris and insects that might get too close to the eye.  Things that do come too close and brush against the eyelashes can cause the eyelid to reflexively close.  They take about six to eight weeks to completely regrow if they're plucked or fall out naturally.  Eyelash and eyebrow hairs grow in cycles which is different from hair on other parts of the body.  This is why they never seem to increase much in length and don't continually grow longer like the hair on the scalp.

Women often use cosmetics to enhance the look or length (or both) of eyelashes.  Mascara, eyelash extensions and eyelash curlers are all foreign concepts to me but are commonly used.  They may be jealous of Stuart Muller who apparently has an eyelash that is 6.99cm long!  Maybe a little bit excessive and I think it's only a single eyelash...

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